Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Rose Garden Wedding

Yes, the bow is almost as big as her head!
The Parrish clan. The sun was in a bad spot and Maddie looks like she is glowing!
David Wilson holding Madeline with Carson. A few more months and Dave will be Dr. David Wilson! Yes, he's single and cute so if you know any good looking, smart single ladies, let me know! We are so proud of our friend!
Ryan Angwin is our other cute and single friend and is also planning to be a dentist, so bring on any cute girls we can introduce him to. I hope these guys don't look at this blog b/c they will probably kill me.
cookie cutter carson jr. (He's pretty handsome so I guess I won't complain too much that she looks just like him).

We went to some friends wedding this past weekend at the Botanical Gardens. It was very pretty and only a 15 minute ceremony! I loved it! Felicia was a beautiful bride and Michael was looking quite handsome in his tux. Unfortunately, I obsessed with taking pictures of my daughter and I forgot to get a shot of them on my camera. oops! As you can see from Maddie's dress, I was trying to steal the brides's thunder by dressing her in all white (just kiddin' but I had to put it on her b/c she looked to cute in it). We went out with some friends to Sundance Sqaure after the wedding and Carson's folks took Madeline back home and watched her for a couple of hours. Grandparents are such a blessing! I was so thankful to have some "adult time" with friends. It's the first time I've been out since Madeline was born. We had a great time catching up with old friends, but it's hard not to think about your child the entire time. Am I right? I'm sure all you new parents can relate. I think we called home 3 times in a 2.5 hr period to make sure Maddie was ok. It's amazing how your life starts to revolve around your children. We go to all this trouble to arrange babysitting and get everything all prepared for our time away from them, but it's impossible not to think about what they're doing back home every five minutes. Big Daddy and Mimi did a great job babysitting and Madeline was perfect for them. I'm very thankful to have such an agreeable little girl. Jana and I have been preparing our annual Halloween carnival for our church this year. It's this Saturday and I'm ready to get Madeline in her caterpillar costume. I'm sure I'll have a few pictures to post soon! Happy Halloween to all of you!


Lyndsey Newton said...

I sure hope you have some pics-I wish I could be there tonight to see all the kiddos-so post as many as you can for Auntie Lynds! Glad things are going well for you-have a good weekend!

Mittig family said...

Okay Nys-where are the Halloween pics? I haven't seen Maddie in a few weeks because we keep going out of town on alternating weekends!

Libby said...

I think we need some new pics of your sweetie pie!! It's been a while, we miss y' y'all, hope you have a great turkey day!