Friday, November 16, 2007

A Little Bit of This and That

My teacher friend, Rebekah, and her daughter, Hannah, at Grapevine Mills
My little rocker!
Maddie's new friend, Puppy

I've kinda dropped off the bloggin' bandwagon here lately...just wanted to post some pics of our recent festivities. She was our cute little caterpillar at Halloween and she did pretty well with her costume, I must say! She's growing like a weed and loves to talk. She's becoming more interactive with her toys and going to roll over any day now. My favorite shot of her thus far is the one above where she is flashing a huge smile inside her crib. Aghhh! My heart just melts when I look at that adorable face! Maddie and I headed out to Grapevine Mills to meet my friend, Rebekah, and her daughter Hannah. Hannah was 6 weeks old in that picture. She is exactly six weeks younger than Madeline. We had a great visit and got some good exercise,too! Did you know that walking around the entire mall once is equal to a mile?
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Wendy said...

I've been waiting for some new pics. Don't they grow so fast?! I can't believe Ethan is almost 3. Enjoy every minute.