Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sun City Bound

We took Maddie to her first high school football game. She was really interested in it, as you can see. We went with our friends, Brandon and Kim. We had fun watching Mansfield whoop up on Keller!
Daddy having some good cuddle time with Madeline. He just loves when she lays on him and snuggles like this!
I had to get a pic of her in this premie outfit before she outgrew it. The button in the back is not even buttoned b/c it is already getting too small. Isn't she a sweet littl' southern girl in her pretty bonnet!
Close up shot! She's already making silly poses when I tell her to say "Cheese!"

We are getting ready to head out to Georgetown (Sun City) to see Big Daddy and Mimi (Carson's parents). The weather is looking good so we'll probably take Madeline to see the sights in Austin. She's already going to be attending her second high school football game tomorrow night in the small town of Florence, Texas. This is the place where Kathy, Carson's mom, is teaching high school. This will be her 2nd football game in one week! I promise we're not the crazy parents who are forcing our infant to play and enjoy sports so she'll play them when she grows up (hee hee) but a little encouragement never hurts, right? Just kidding, we'll love Maddie no matter what she decides to accomplish in her life. Speaking of accomplishments, I have a funny story. I can say it's funny now, but it wasn't really at the time it happened. I would like to tell ya'll that my daughter could take 1st place for the "longest squirt of poo-poo " contest, if there is such a thing that exists. I was quickly trying to change out her diaper last Saturday night because I have learned how fast she can dirty up her changing table if I'm not doing the switcharoo of the diapers at lightening speed. Well, she had impeccable timing and just as I was switching out a clean diaper for her old one, she lets out a squirt and and her poo proceeds to shoot out all over her pink walls, all over the blinds, the cream carpet, and the diaper champ! I screamed "NOOOOOOOO!" so loud the neighbors probably heard me and Carson came running in probably thinking I had dropped her on her head or something. He was amazed at the sight at first, then he just started cracking up and said, " You have to laugh at this, honey." Of course, I did not feel like laughing at that time....a pathetic cry felt much more appropriate for me. Well, we got it cleaned up and survived it all and I'm here to tell you that Madeline Reese is a SUPER POOPER CHAMP! Ok, gotta run to get her ready for our first road trip. More fun pics to be posted our trip when we return!


Libby said...

Thanks for the comment, is really amazing how much your life changes when you have a child, huh? Nothing else in the world is near as important to you as them, to me, it has reaffirmed my need to have a closer relationship with God, too...and you sure have a sweet one there, that outfit is so adorable!! I would love to come see you sometime soon, Grace has a cold right now, so no getting around sweet baby Maddie:) I hope y'all have a wonderful trip, and enjoy those football games!!

Libby said...

Oh, and I'm sorry, but I cracked up at the poo story, I hope it cleaned up okay:)

Lyndsey Newton said...

Note to self: do not read Nyss's blogs while eating dinner (bean burrito);)

I hope everything cleaned up as well! And her outfit is precious...SHE is precious!
Sounds like ya'll are having a blast.

Wendy said...

Oh how motherhood changes you. Who knew one day you'd be writing a blog about your child the super pooper!